A new website for a new brand

So this is really the second part to the amaze brand project. Being a digital agency and having created a living brand, it seemed like the natural choice that the first application of the new brand should be our website. Documented here are some of the early design concepts, motion examples for transition and various interactions, along with some of the final page designs
Below are some examples of how we wanted to start to treat the hero area - Some with full screen video such as the paddy pizza hut work, the product shots for ecommerce clients such as Asics, CGI for Lexus and how the Dynamic brand mark could start to live and breathe on the site in its own right.

One of the nicer ideas we had for the use of the brand was again based around our philosophy of rigour and magic - the slab and logotype being the rigour (or fixed) and the avatar being the magic (or fluid/generative element). You will notice on some of the visual that the avatar has been dropped in favour of just the slab and word mark, the idea being that the magic at this point was the clients work, which replaced the avatar.
Below is a test animation I produced to show how I wanted to treat the hero images - to begin with they would be static, but as the user either scrolled from left to right or moused into the area, they would play an ultra slow motion piece. The Asics example was taken from a single image and then broken apart in photoshop before being animated in AE, the end results are really quite striking and impactful, though it never made it into the final design/build (costs and dev effort etc. - hey ho!) I was really pleased with it.
For the forms on the site I wanted something that felt quite conversational and intuitive to use, as the user starts to interact with them, they respond by opening in page and highlight as you progress through rather than bombarding you with all the info at once - simple and elegant.
And Finally
Below is a selection of the actual final designs produced for the site. I am still really pleased with the end result even though a lot of the innovative ideas we had never made it into the final cut - its always the way though :)
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